Grand Prix (2016)
by GMT Games
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Product description
Grand Prix is the newest auto racing game from Jeff & Carla Horger and GMT Games. From 2-11 players can compete in the game controlling either one team of two cars or multiple teams. Players will score in two different ways; individual car scoring where first place is huge and only the top 10 places get any points, and team scoring where the placement of all cars in a race will determine the team score.
The courses of the Grand Prix are not simple ovals or wide open super speedways but tight tracks that will limit passing opportunities and require finesse and skill to make it to the front of the line. The game borrows heavily from the Thunder Alley movement classes so you will find a familiar combination of solo, line, pursuit and lead movement in this game as well. But the abilities are tweaked to maximize the feel of Formula 1 racing. It will be up to the players to learn how the courses and the cards work together on each track to optimize their play.