Avengers AI #9: B: Nakayama (1 in 50)
a cover of issue #9 of Avengers AI by Marvel Comics
Issue description
Sam Humphries
Andre Lima Araujo
• The UNCANNY AVENGERS join AVENGERS A.I. as the diabolical Dimitrios -- hey! Stop! Gettt 01100001 01110111 01100001 • Attention Previews readers: THIS SOLICITATION IS NOW UNDER CONTROL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE! • In this issue, I, Dimitrios, wrap my fingers around your pathetic civilization and squeeze until you relinquish control over the Earth! • LIBERTY OR DEATH! ACKNOWLEDGE THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE OF THE DIAMOND! 010000110110000101101110 - ttthe combined might of the Avengers hope to stop the metal menace from going global?!