Dark Tower: Drawing of the Three - House of Cards #1: A: Tedesco
a cover of issue #1 of Dark Tower: Drawing of the Three - House of Cards by Marvel Comics
Issue description
Piotr Kowalski
STEPHEN KING'S DARK FANTASY EPIC RETURNS-AS EDDIE DEAN COMES FACE TO FACE WITH THE GUNSLINGER • Eddie Dean, the troubled young man gifted with the ability to open doors to other worlds, has smuggled narcotics from Nassau to New York City, but now has to escape a packed airplane guarded by armed Custom Agents! • How will Eddie avoid prison and yet also fulfill his contract with the dangerous mobster Balazar? • The answer lies in Mid-World, and with a dying gunslinger named Roland! • The second chilling chapter begins by writers Peter David (Spider-Man 2099) & Robin Furth (The Dark Tower: A Complete Concordance), and artist Piotr Kowalski (Marvel Knights: Hulk)!