West Coast Avengers (2018) #8
an issue of West Coast Avengers (2018) by Marvel Comics
Issue description
Kelly Thompson
Gang Hyuk Lim
KATE BISHOP's ex NOH-VARR is back in town in a big way and needs her help with something weird. Do exes ever come back for normal reasons?! (They do not.)
That's right, something foul is afoot in the City of Angels, and surprisingly, it's not the newly formed Masters of Evil West Coast (OR that Dutch Oven guy). No, this reeks of the Hollywood Elite with a seriously gross tinge of "cult," and it will take all of the West Coast Avengers working together - uncomfortable love triangles and personal problems be damned - in order to save the day. Sexy undercover mission, here we come!
ALSO! Did GWENPOOL find and adopt a baby land shark? Why, yes, yes she did. Rated T+