Mad Magazine (2018) #21
an issue of Mad Magazine (2018) by DC Comics
Issue description
The Usual Gang of Idiots
Don't throw in the towel-we're bringing you our A game! (as in ALFRED E. NEUMAN!) For MAD #21, the Usual Gang of Idiots overcame a ton of adversity and charged through the archive to round up so many athletic-supportive MAD classics it could fill Fenway Park! Score big with hit parodies like the Karocky Kid, All the Right Movements, and Raving Bully. Sergio Aragones takes a MAD Look at Baseball AND Basketball. Dave Berg hits a home run with the best of?the Lighter Side of Sports. Even team Black Spy and Team White Spy get into the game! And finally, slide into first with a winning new Fold-In?by writer/artist Johnny Sampson. It's time to take one for the team-heck, why just one? Take fifteen copies, so they don't have to share!