Grimm Tales of Terror (2025) #5: B: Cacau
a cover of issue #5 of Grimm Tales of Terror (2025) by Zenescope Entertainment
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Mature readers
Issue description
Joe Brusha
The Hat Man -- One of the oldest mysteries of the universe is, 'Where do dreams and nightmares come from?' Something even more concerning is the place that lies between the realities, connecting the waking and dreaming worlds, when the dreamer's body freezes in a sleeping paralysis -and we are stuck in the world where the Hat Man dwells! Some call it superstition, others a disruption in the neural pathways of the brain. But those who understand the truth know The Hat Man is not a figment of the imagination, nor is he a tale to be told. The Hat Man is primordial. He is something to be feared. And if you're unlucky-The Hat Man is coming for you next!