Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #8: B: Renaud
a cover of issue #8 of Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris by Dynamite Entertainment
Issue description
Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium, and Phondari, Pirate Queen of Mars, find themselves in the clutches of Phodari's old master, Xen Brega. But before Xen was Phondari's master, he was her slave. Phondari wasn't the kindest of mistresses, and Xen's looking for a little vengeance. He's invited Phondari and Dejah to dinner... to be the main course! If Dejah and Phondari can escape the butcher's knife, Dejah might just learn a thing or two about the mysterious coin she discovered, and why Phondari is so interested in it. Get ready for Dejah Thoris #8: The Hoard of Segotha!