Bag of Anteaters #1
an issue of Bag of Anteaters by Amaze Ink / Slave Labor Graphics
Issue description
Described as funny, touching, and rather nasty, A Bag of Anteaters is a
"sortabiographical" tale from writer Ian Carney (Sugar Buzz, Pants Ant) and artist
Jonathan Edwards (Aunt Connie, Guardian TV Guide). It details the fragile relationship
between teen friends Dave and David as they struggle through a day filled with
drunkenness, dating, inflatable paddling pools, and plastic anteaters. Love Fights creator
Andi Watson described the one-shot as "capturing the everyday look and feel of suburban
England in the details of clothing and backgrounds. On top of that Ian's story has the
absolute ring of truth to it, precisely capturing the characters and dialogue of the time and
place. It's a book I want to see print, it's a book I want to read, it's a book I'll buy and more
importantly I want to see more comics from these two."