Brian Pulido's Lady Death: Abandon All Hope #1/2: F: Platinum Foil
a cover of issue #1/2 of Brian Pulido's Lady Death: Abandon All Hope by Avatar Press
Issue description
The original classic Lady Death returns with an all-new story! Her new series starts in
June and this special #1/2 features an all-new story that lays the groundwork with enough
twists and turns to delight old and new readers alike! It also features the first appearances
of several major new characters. Hope has renounced her humanity and she’s sentenced
to the labyrinth. Now forged into the cold, cruel, and alluring warrior Lady Death, she
joins forces with the mysterious and deadly Wargoth, and master thief/spell-caster
Satasha. Together they dare the impossible: destroy Sagos, the realm shattering warlock
who has kidnaped Lady Death’s mother’s soul. This is cutting-edge epic dark fantasy as
only Lady Death creator Brian Pulido can deliver it with art by super-star Ron Adrian!
Fasten your seat belts fiend-boys, Pulido pulls no punches in this high amp, roller-coaster
adventure that redefines Lady Death for the next decade!