Brian Pulido's Lady Death: Abandon All Hope #2: B: Wraparound
a cover of issue #2 of Brian Pulido's Lady Death: Abandon All Hope by Avatar Press
Issue description
The bitch is back as the original Lady Death continues with an all-new epic! Lady Death
and her allies Wargoth and Satasha are left for dead by the deranged warlock, Sagos.
Exhausted and battered, they are ripe for picking by the vicious Nameless Wolves! Is
Wargoth a mentor or betrayer as he leads Lady Death into a heartless trap. This issue also
sees the introduction of Lady Death’s new sword! This is cutting edge, epic dark fantasy
as only Lady Death creator Brian Pulido can deliver it, this adventure redefines Lady
Death for the next decade! Lady Death never looked so good with stellar art by super-star
Ron Adrian!