Famous Monsters of Filmland #272
an issue of Famous Monsters of Filmland by Monsters Ink
Covers of Famous Monsters of Filmland #272
Issue description
With the passing of Richard Matheson, the world loses one its last titans. From literary works and films like I Am Legend, A Stir of Echoes, Hell House, and TV classics like William Shatner's episodes of The Twilight Zone and Steven Spielberg's breakout hit, Duel, Matheson was a writer who could work brilliantly in any medium. This issue will look at his life, work, and influence, and will include a special exclusive memorial from his family - including his son - acclaimed author and screenwriter, Richard Christian Matheson. This issue will also take a look at the long and wonderful history of Sci-Fi literature - our founding editor wasn't nicknamed 'Mr. Sci-Fi' for nothing! In honor of his greatest love, we'll hit the high points and see how it all evolved; from Wells to Asimov to Crichton and beyond. Richard Matheson Tribute cover by Simon Thorpe.