Sabrina the Teenage Witch #98
an issue of Sabrina the Teenage Witch by Archie Comics
Issue description
The countdown to the 100th issue continues - and so do the preparations for battle, as enemies are revealed and new allies arise! With the Magic Realm dying and Hemlock revealed as a traitor, Sabrina takes her rightful place as one of the Four Blades. They band with Batty Bartholomew and all the ex-Blades, and even Hilda, Zelda, and Salem join the cause. Sabrina, Shinji, Llandra, and Narayan also seek out the Four Elementals and convince them to join up through a series of tests. Vosblanc, meanwhile, prepares his own army and gets members of the Magic Council to side with him. Battle lines are drawn, and tensions rise in this thrill-packed issue!