Shouldn't You Be Working? #2
an issue of Shouldn't You Be Working? by Fantagraphics Books
Issue description
Johnny Ryan
Ever wonder what Johnny Ryan does in the privacy of his bedroom, when not cracking
the whip at AYC HQ to get his ragtag bullpen of hacks to finish the next issue of Angry
Youth Comix? Sipping Cristal off the coast of St. Tropez with P. Diddy and Paris Hilton?
Nope. Contemplating new, renewable sources of energy that will render environmentally
hazardous fossil fuels obsolete? Nah. He's just sitting at home, alone and naked,
obsessively filling up every square inch of white space in his sketchbook while listening
to Yanni. Why? Because he loves you, of course, and wants you to love him back. And
once you read this, you will (if you don't file a restraining order, that is).