Little Gloomy's Super Scary Monster Show #3
an issue of Little Gloomy's Super Scary Monster Show by Amaze Ink / Slave Labor Graphics
Issue description
This issue of the Super-Scary Monster Show presents an all-new twisted trilogy of
Terror! Fear for your sanity as Carl Cthulhu returns to Happy Bunny Hollow! Scream in
horror as Frank stumbles into the Wax Museum of Evil! Shiver with dread as Little
Gloomy discovers an ancient and menacing mummy’s curse!!! This bi-monthly series of
all-ages horror features the same sinister cast of creepy characters often found in the
pages of the diabolical and delightful Disney Adventures Magazine! You love them, you
fear them, and you cannot stand to be without them! Order the third installment of The
Super-Scary Monster Show before it’s too late!!