Doktor Sleepless #9
an issue of Doktor Sleepless by Avatar Press
Covers of Doktor Sleepless #9
Issue description
Doktor Sleepless begins its exciting second season with this can't-miss issue! Whether you've been tuning in to the Doktor's broadcasts from the beginning, or are just looking to jump into the series, this issue marks the start of a new story arc - and we guarantee you won't want to wait until 2009 for the collected edition! It may be that the good Doktor has pushed the city too far. People are sick. People are dying. But, then again, maybe nobody in Heavenside minds, right? Well, not the nice people in Central, behind the pay-cop barrier. But what do you suppose will happen when it turns out that an invisible barrier won't stop all the nice peoples nice things from falling apart, too? Warren Ellis' satirical-political science fiction novel continues its on-going run!