Kull #2
an issue of Kull by Dark Horse
Issue description
Before the blood from his last battle has a chance to soak into Valusian soil, Kull faces new threats to his throne. As representatives from all corners of his kingdom seek his counsel, the new warrior-king accepts a strange invitation from a hotheaded Pict emissary. Kull will need to discard ancient prejudices and find allies in former foes if he's to save the newly united Valusian empire from a clandestine enemy that once threatened to enslave and exterminate mankind! With critically acclaimed writer Arvid Nelson (Rex Mundi, Joker's Asylum) fan-favorite artist Will Conrad (Conan, Serenity), and coloring maestro José Villarrubia (Conan the Cimmerian) at the helm, Kull is a welcome addition to Dark Horse's Robert E. Howard comic book line-and one of the smartest new adventure series of 2008! Praise for Arvid Nelson: 'Truly original ideas are worth their weight in gold, but a truly original idea executed with as much intelligence and obvious passion as Rex Mundi is priceless. A top-of-the-stack comic, month after month.' -Brian K. Vaughn 'Nelson compellingly stretches the medium.' -- Entertainment Weekly Kull © 2008 Kull Productions Inc. ('KPI'). KULL, KULL OF ATLANTIS, and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of KPI. All rights reserved.