Beyond the Supernatural RPG HC
A contemporary horror setting that makes sense and challenges the players. New P.C.C.s include the Firewalker, Night Hunter, Psychic Medium, Diviner, Autistic Psychic Savant, ordinary people and others, all with new and unique abilities. Many of the characters, psychic abilities and magical powers are unlike any Palladium Books has presented before. Characters and powers that will challenge players and bring a new level of strategy and role-playing to the surface. Even familiar characters like the Psychic Sensitive, Healer, Nega-Psychic and others are more evolved and unique. Character background and the world setting is bold, clear and sinister. I.S.P. and P.P.E. interact with the characters and the supernatural in new ways. The secrets of the supernatural, ESP, and magic are revealed. Victor Lazlo and his lasting legacy: The Lazlo Agency is described. The world background serves as a guide to adventure. Interior Art by Ramon Perez, Michael Dubisch, Freddie Williams, Apollo Okamura and others. Cover by John Zeleznik.