Magical Kitties Save the Day! RPG: Game Master's Kit
by Atlas Games
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Available for order
Usually ships in 2-5 business days
Product description
This GM screen is purrfectly proportioned for even the youngest GM. The screen's 3 horizontal panels each measure 6x9 inches. That's smaller than other screens, to make it easy for your kid-GM to see the players at the table. The Game Master-facing side provides important information at a glance, and Magical Kitties artwork on the outside sets the atmosphere for your game. Wrapped inside the screen is the new 12" x 18" Kitty Colors Poster, designed to help indecisive players choose their favorite kitty. Plus you'll find a copy of Our Hometown Workbook (also included in the Series Workbook Pack). This beautiful, full-color workbook records your hometown map, locations, supporting cast, foes, disasters, and adventures. Keep a journal of your episodes and track your kitty krew's progress, too! It's a great gift for a first-time Game Master, and makes running your first campaign as easy as turning the page!