Tremendous Tome of Epic Dungeons
The Tremendous Tome also includes some big names - Luke Gygax and Gaxx Worx, Dwarven Forge, WizKids, Steve Jackson Games, Monster Fight Club, GooeyCube, and Printable Scenery - who present epic builds that draw on their singular resources! In addition, there are creations from some of the best "dungeon" builders and awesome collections across a wide variety of epic builds! You can see feature builds from awesome GMs including: Black Magic Craft, Real Terrain Hobbies, RP Archive, Picassawi, NPC Creations, InkdMage, oldskoolcreative, Horcharr, and Todd Putnam!
The goal of The Tremendous Tome is to inspire gamers to take their roleplaying experiences to the next level! When players can easily picture where they are and what they're facing, they can focus on their roleplaying.