Cyko KO's Colossal Comic Compendium Vol 1
132 pages; soft cover; full color
SuperEarth's greatest hero has arrived, and his name is Cyko KO! Prepare for an exhilarating ride as you dive into the action-packed world of this fourth-wall breakin', pinball-addicted, motorcycle-ridin' superhero as he battles wacky characters and giant monsters! With the help of his guide Peachy Keen and their pet Meemop, take a trip with Cyko in this vintage Saturday morning cartoon-inspired collection that will make you want to stay in your pajamas and camp out in the living room with a big bowl of cereal! Watch as Cyko faces off against his oldest rival, Cuda Cano, in an epic surf competition, but things take a wild turn when Cuda unleashes a remote control giant squid, turning the friendly challenge into a dangerous battle for supremacy!