Golden Age Classics: Amazing Man Softee
by PS Artbooks
Amazing Man was the second superhero, after Superman, to have a comic book named after him. Historians credit his creation variously to writer-artist Bill Everett and art director Lloyd Jacquet, founder of The Funnies Inc., although some credit may be due to Grace Everett, who helped with research. In 1914, an orphaned child named John Aman was chosen by the Tibetan Council of Seven and trained to be a superman, both in mental and physical perfection. His powers include super strength, invulnerability and the ability to make himself disappear in a cloud of green vapor. When he turned twenty-five, after his final tests, he is sent into the world to combat crime and injustice, returning to America to become the heroic Amazing Man. Collects Amazing Man #5-19 (September 1939-August 1941).