Eilish Garrity, the Dark Traitor (Solo) - Mercenary
In a craven act of occult genius, Eilish swore fealty to the Fellgoeth infernals, promising to act as their agent on Caen and to serve the Orgoth during their invasion of Immoren. Now acting as a double agent to subvert the Immorese cause in resisting the Orgoth, Eilish loosely maintains his old contacts within Cygnaran society. He operates sometimes in support of the Immorese to further his ruse, or so the Orgoth believe, but in fact the slippery arcanist may yet be keeping his future options open should the war turn against his new masters.
Potent arcane combatant with the Dark Power special rule: This model gains an additional die on magic attack and magic attack damage rolls. Discard the lowest die in each roll. When Eilish is destroyed, enemy upkeep spells within 8" of him expire.
Steamforged Games miniatures are sold unpainted and may require assembly.