Symbaroum RPG: Agrella, City of Eternal Euphoria
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Product description
The festival season is drawing close in the city of eternal euphoria, and it will be a season like no other. On the surface, nothing seems out of the ordinary – jester troupes are honing their performances, brewers are refining their recipes, mask-makers are sketching out the year’s novelties, and among the population at large, excitement is rising every day. But nothing is as it should be; in reality, the threat against Agrella and its inhabitants has never been greater. The question is, will someone notice the lurking dangers in time to avert the looming catastrophe?
- The campaign The Outrage of Betrayed Brethren with the adventures Intrigue, Assassination, and Chaos, offering the gaming group a tumultuous experience of how fantastically fearsome Agrella’s festivals can be.
- A thorough overview of Agrella’s history, activities, factions and conflicts, meant to be read by both players and Game Masters.
- A freestanding double-sided color map (558 x 432 mm) of the city and a pair of adventure locations, in addition to over a dozen maps within the book.
- A large number of establishments where the player characters can eat, rest, party, search in archives and visit local dignitaries.
- A chapter for the Game Master, featuring hidden conspiracies and plot hooks that may be developed into exciting adventures.
- Note that this book requires access to Symbaroum’s Core Rulebook, and that it does not come into its own without the Advanced Player’s Guide, Game Master’s Guide and Monster Codex.