Reborn as a Space Mercenary Light Novel Vol 11
by Seven Seas
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Scheduled release date: 2/4/2025
Scheduled release date: 2/4/2025
Product description
Written by Ryuto; illustrated by Tetsuhiro Nabeshima.
320 pages; softcover.
Rated T+
Shopping in the Empire’s biggest shipbuilding star system, Hiro's offered a bargain on an intriguingly uncanny vessel! Then he crosses paths with Kugi—a devout fox shrine maiden hailing from a mysterious sect. She can speak to him telepathically and volunteers to teach him to use his powers. Hiro signs on, but he's about to be put through his psionic paces!
320 pages; softcover.
Rated T+
Shopping in the Empire’s biggest shipbuilding star system, Hiro's offered a bargain on an intriguingly uncanny vessel! Then he crosses paths with Kugi—a devout fox shrine maiden hailing from a mysterious sect. She can speak to him telepathically and volunteers to teach him to use his powers. Hiro signs on, but he's about to be put through his psionic paces!