Outfox the Fox
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A sly party game of Top Five lists!
Each Round one player is the FOX. They will choose a Top Five list card category, examine all the answers and then make up an answer they think the group will rank as one of the Top Five answers.
They read all six possible answers in random order as one of the players writes them on dry erase tiles. (The list source and date are part of the clue)
Then everyone else (up to 9 other players) have two minutes to debate the ranking order of the Top Five answers - and identify which answer is the Fox's false answer.
Player will all get one point for each correctly ranked answer and the Fox will gain a number of points based on how high the other ranked their answer as one of the Top Five... BUT before the correct rankings are revealed, the other players will take their colored token and place it on the one answer they PERSONALLY feel best about. Maybe they disagreed with the concusses at the table. You can even place your token on the answer you think was made up. If you are right, you get three bonus points. Then, it is the next players turn to be the Fox as the game continues.
The fun comes in the group debate on whether Ranch Dressing or BBQ Sauce is highest on the list of Best Selling Condiments - or what were the Most Popular Baby Names in the 1980's. AND the sometimes surprising results!
Because it is a group discussion, it is a trivia game where you don't have to be 'on the spot' or singled out and everyone has an equally great time.
Each Round one player is the FOX. They will choose a Top Five list card category, examine all the answers and then make up an answer they think the group will rank as one of the Top Five answers.
They read all six possible answers in random order as one of the players writes them on dry erase tiles. (The list source and date are part of the clue)
Then everyone else (up to 9 other players) have two minutes to debate the ranking order of the Top Five answers - and identify which answer is the Fox's false answer.
Player will all get one point for each correctly ranked answer and the Fox will gain a number of points based on how high the other ranked their answer as one of the Top Five... BUT before the correct rankings are revealed, the other players will take their colored token and place it on the one answer they PERSONALLY feel best about. Maybe they disagreed with the concusses at the table. You can even place your token on the answer you think was made up. If you are right, you get three bonus points. Then, it is the next players turn to be the Fox as the game continues.
The fun comes in the group debate on whether Ranch Dressing or BBQ Sauce is highest on the list of Best Selling Condiments - or what were the Most Popular Baby Names in the 1980's. AND the sometimes surprising results!
Because it is a group discussion, it is a trivia game where you don't have to be 'on the spot' or singled out and everyone has an equally great time.