L5R: Underhand of the Emperor Celebration Sunday, April 14th
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Celebrate the release of the Underhand of the Emperor expansion for the Legend of the Five Rings LCG!
Entry Fee: $5
Rounds start at 11:30 am. Please arrive beforehand so pairings can be calculated and we can start on time. Store opens at 11am.
This is a Basic Structure, Relaxed Tier tournament. Number of rounds depends on number of players.
To honor the dangerous subtlety and ruthless loyalty of the Scorpion Clan we will have extended art Make An Opening cards for all participants, as well as extended art Kyuden Bayushis for the Top 8. Top 2 will get playmats featuring Bayushi Aramoro.
In addition:
-All the top Scorpion players will receive a Scorpion-themed Imperial Favor.
-Each player to win a Dishonor Victory will receive a playset of extended art Assassinations until we run out.
-There'll be a costume contest! Wear your best Scorpion finery (or just a decent mempo) and receive extended art Bayushi Shoju, the Scorpion Clan Champion.
Be ever vigilant, don't let your mask slip, and you may just survive!