Star Wars: Unlimited Weekly Play - Jawa Scavenger
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This is a Casual-tier tournament. Please familiarize yourself with the linked Tournament Regulations as well as the Premier format rules.
Start Time: 7:00pm
Entry Fee: $10
Format: Jawa Scavenger. Just like Premier, but deck construction is limited to only cards that have been printed as a common or uncommon.
Players bring a deck of at least 50 cards, then play four 55-minute Swiss rounds consisting of best-of-three matches.
Start Time: 7:00pm
Entry Fee: $10
Format: Jawa Scavenger. Just like Premier, but deck construction is limited to only cards that have been printed as a common or uncommon.
Players bring a deck of at least 50 cards, then play four 55-minute Swiss rounds consisting of best-of-three matches.