Magic: Regional Championship Qualifier (RCQ)
Saturday, February 15
10AM - Doors
11AM - Round 1 begins
Want to make a weekend of it? Check out The Gathering Place's event on the adjacent Sunday.
Start Time: 11:00 AM
Registration closes at 10:45 AM. Round One starts promptly at 11:00 AM. You must be in line to register at least 15 minutes before the tournament start time.
Start Time: 11:00 AM
Registration closes at 10:45 AM. Round One starts promptly at 11:00 AM. You must be in line to register at least 15 minutes before the tournament start time.
- Standard
- This is a Competitive REL event, so will use the Infraction Procedure Guide for judging as opposed to the Judging At Regular document.
- Decklists are required.
- 1st: 1 Foil, alt-art Force of Despair
- Qualifier Winner Letter
- Champion Pin + Lanyard Set
- Top 8: 1 non-foil alt-art Force of Despair, Top 8 Niv-Mizzet pin
- Store credit prizes will be given out to the Top 8. Amounts based on attendance and standing.
A Wizards Account is required for this event. If you don't have one, please visit to create one prior to registering. If you have an account but do not remember your Wizards Account email address, visit to view this information on your Account Profile.
We highly recommend players download the MTG Companion App, available on Android and iOS, to view pairings and report results during the tournament.