Magic: Commander Nights (Winter)
January 8 - March 26
You do not need to register on our website, but you do need to check in via the Companion app when you arrive.
Why should you participate? Why not! It's free and you get stuff just for showing up. You were gonna be here anyway, right?
The structure is simple; just show up and play! There are no achievements or assigned pairings. Players are here sometimes as soon as the store opens, but most begin arriving around 5pm with attendance peaking by 7pm.
The league's prizes are based solely on attendance. In order to be counted, you must have a Wizards of the Coast account with a valid associated email.
Each Wednesday you attend you must check in with that week's Eventlink code with the Companion app. The code will be posted prominently on the snack bar.
Prizes are not awarded each week, but total attendance will be counted over the event's duration and then assigned to each player for them to pick up after the event's conclusion. They will be in the form of promo packs and assorted alt art promotional cards.
You do not need to register on our website, but you do need to check in each Wednesday via the Companion app. The event code will be provided.
A Wizards Account is required for this event. If you don't have one, please visit https://myaccounts.wizards.com/register to create one prior to registering. If you have an account but do not remember your Wizards Account email address, visit https://myaccounts.wizards.com/account to view this information on your Account Profile.