Journey's Brink
April 2025 Sessions
4 - 7 PM
This is a school year Dungeons and Dragons campaign, recommended for ages 11-14, with content comparable to PG or PG13-rated movies but played out in the players' imagination rather than presented on a screen.
Come to Brink, a village on the boundary of civilization.
Characters will participate in a campaign where individual character goals and action shape adventures customized to players taste. A small town, on the edge of the mountains far from the settled coastline, where evil cults, outlaws and monsters are a constant danger. Could you be the next hero?
Journey's Brink will be a series of adventures, run like a television series, with single episode adventures with a rotating cast of characters. Players may attend a single session or come to all of them. Individual adventures will have level ranges and characters will grow and advance on their own. Using a “quest board” format, every week the party that is there will select what adventure they will go on. Quests will be based on character goals and player requests (although there will be a few generic quests available).
The DM will be available by 3:30 to set up, help with character creation and answer questions, and the adventure will start promptly at 4PM (players who have not finished character creation by then will be provided with pre-generated characters). The adventure will continue until 7PM, but you may want to give adventurers time to clean up and ask the DM questions, the DM will remain to answer questions and tidy up until 7:45.
The game will be using the latest Dungeons and Dragons rules and players are welcome to use electronic devices to keep track of their characters, but are asked not to play games, watch videos or read books not related to the task at hand. Additionally, players will be responsible for rolling physical dice and calculating results, not talking over other players, portraying their character in a way appropriate to a team environment and following the Atomic Empire Code of Conduct.
We limit spaces in each campaign to ensure a quality experience. Our cancellation guidelines and policies are based on our duty to fulfill commitments we’ve made to our participants and staff. Please complete this registration only if you understand and agree to abide by the following policy.
Payment in full is due at time of registration. Your space in the campaign will be reserved as soon as your order is submitted.
All cancellation, transfer, or change requests must be made in writing via email to [email protected].
If You Need to Transfer to a Different Session
You may submit a transfer request more than 12 days prior to the day of the campaign you are transferring from.
If space is available, we will honor your request for a transfer. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate transfer requests less than 12 days prior to a session.
If You Need to Cancel Your Registration
If a cancellation request is received on or before 12 days prior to the session, we will refund the full registration fee.
For cancellations due to illness or injury, cancellations will follow the current refund policy.
If Atomic Empire Needs to Cancel
If Atomic Empire must cancel a campaign in whole or in part due to circumstances beyond our control (e.g., weather, insufficient sign-ups, GM illness) or for any other reason, we will refund the price of the days canceled. We will endeavor to inform you as soon as possible of any cancellations or schedule changes.
This is a separate event from Threshold of Adventure. Participants may sign up for both, and characters will be transferable. However, neither meals nor supervision will be provided between the two should a player be registered for both Threshold and Brink in the same day.
If you have questions for the Game Master, Dylan Rickards, you may contact him at [email protected].
The deadline to cancel your registration is March 24. Afterwards no refund will be issued.
You may register for the entire month for $150 or for a single session for $45.