Heroscape Tournament
Saturday, March 29
- 11:30 AM: Map building begins
- 12:30 PM: Round 1 Start
Tier: Relaxed
Format: All Time
Monster Mash, Rule of 8, Delta:
Monster Mash: at least 400 pts of your army has to be Large and/or Huge figures
Rule of 8: You may not field more than 8 of any given figure. If your army contains more than 8 of a figure, you must remove the extra figure(s) from your army before the game.
Link to the army builder: https://heroscape.org/builder/tournament/?HeroscapeTournament=579
Here is the link to the Heroscape.org page: https://heroscape.org/events/tournament/?Tournament=579
Link to Heroscapers Thread: https://www.heroscapers.com/threads/carolina-order-marker-8-monster-mash-ro8-delta-3-29-25.64857/
- Participation: Thyraxis Dragoon miniature
- Store credit to top finishers based upon placement and total event attendance.
Players should also register on the Heroscape Battle Network.