Magic: cEDH Tournament
cEDH is a way to play the card game Magic: The Gathering, and is an acronym for competitive Elder Dragon Highlander, or competitive Commander. Today, cEDH refers to both a mindset and metagame.
Put another way, cEDH is Commander, but very spicy.
- 2-3 Swiss rounds. If fewer than 8 players are in attendance, the tournament will only be 2 rounds. If only 3-4 players attend, there will be only 1 round.
- 80 minute rounds.
- Unlimited proxies are allowed for this event.
- For proxies, you will need to use "test cards" that are in color and utilize recognizable art, or Modal Double-Faced Card(MDFC) placeholders that are clearly written on. MDFCs will require full text, mana cost, card type(s) and name. If you choose to use MDFCs, you will need a printout of the cards available for reference. You will not be allowed to slip printed pieces of paper in front of a magic card.
- The store does have a supply of blank MDFCs that players may access.
- A maximum of 2 byes will be allowed per round, resulting in at most a single 3-person pod.
- When time is called, the active player finishes their turn, and there are no additional turns. The game ends when the active player passes their turn. If a non-active player is acting in the end step of the active turn, when time is called, the subsequent turn becomes the final one. If there is no winner when the final turn elapses, then the game ends in a draw.
Prizes will be in the form of store credit to the Top 4 and 100% of admissions will go towards prizing. Store credit can be spent on anything for sale at Atomic Empire, even including concessions, Magic singles, and future event registrations.
- 1st: 40%
- 2nd - 4th: 20% each
This tournament will be run via Spicerack. They have a convenient mobile app for receiving your pairings and registering for our events.