Grail Quest VII
Warhammer 8th Edition
December 5-6, 2015
- Quick links
- Registration
- Location
- Player's Pack
Not only will games like Malifaux, Kings of War and Warhammer become Age of Sigmar, but even classic games like Chess and Checkers will now have round bases and nonsense rules! Do you like video games? Too bad, they’ll be Age of Sigmar. Tiddlywinks? Age of Sigmar. Rock, Paper, Scissors? Okay, you get the point.
Whatever game system you prefer, I think we can all agree that Age of Sigmar is terrible. So it’s up to you to gather up your forces, harness your own Monsters, and get cracking at some games in order to SAVE THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!
Come play Warhammer 8th Edition OR Kings of War 2nd Edition! Register below for the Warhammer tournament, or click here to register for the Kings of War tournament.
The Warhammer GT will consist of five 2500-point Warhammer 8th Edition games over two days.
See here for the full ETC FAQ.
Registration is $35. Registration will close on November 28th. If you choose to cancel your registration, you will receive a full refund if your request is received by 11:59 p.m. on November 28th. Please email [email protected] with any registration questions, or to cancel your registration.
If you would like to register using Paypal, please send a Paypal payment for $35.00 to [email protected]. Include the player's name, Army Book, and team affiliation (if any) in your payment details. We will add you to the list when we receive your payment.
Registration fee: $35.00
Registration deadline: November 29, 2015 12:00 AM
Deadline Passed
The online registration deadline has passed, but registration may still be available at the door.
Atomic Empire
3400 Westgate Dr. #14B
Durham, NC 27707
(919) 490-7900
Click here for map