Goblin Snowman (White Border)
Card details
Creature - Goblin
Whenever Goblin Snowman blocks, prevent all combat damage that would be dealt to and dealt by it this turn.
: Goblin Snowman deals 1 damage to target creature it's blocking.
#_"Strength in numbers? Right." -Ib Halfheart, goblin tactician_#
Artist: Daniel Gelon
Card details
Creature - Goblin
Whenever Goblin Snowman blocks, prevent all combat damage that would be dealt to and dealt by it this turn.
: Goblin Snowman deals 1 damage to target creature it's blocking.
#_"Strength in numbers? Right." -Ib Halfheart, goblin tactician_#
Artist: Daniel Gelon
All versions of Goblin Snowman