Alter Ego #127
an issue of Alter Ego by Twomorrows Publishing
Issue description
Alter Ego #127 uncovers the Will Eisner/'Busy' Arnold letters! Ken Quattro annotates 1940s exchanges - some humorous, some bitter, many revelatory - between the creator of The Spirit and his Quality Comics publisher/partner! Featuring art and artifacts by Lou Fine, Reed Crandall, Chuck Cuidera, Nick Cardy, Alex Kotzky, Toni Blum, Klaus Nordling, Alden McWilliams, et al.! Plus: Shaun Clancy interviews Golden Age MLJ artist John Bulthius; the continuation of Amy Kiste Nyberg's History of the Comics Code; the FCA (Fawcett Collectors of America); Michael T. Gilbert exhumes more comics lore in 'Mr. Monster's Comic Crypt'; Bill Schelly, and more, including a cover painting by Daniel James Cox and Jason Paulos! Edited by Roy Thomas.