Alter Ego #128
an issue of Alter Ego by Twomorrows Publishing
Issue description
Alter Ego #128 focuses on 'Seducing the Innocent with FREDRIC WERTHAM!', featuring Carol L. Tilley on the good Doctor's falsification of his research in the 1950s - and the destruction it wrought on the comics industry! Featuring art by Everett, Shuster, Peter, Beck, Costanza, Webb, Feldstein, Williamson, Wood, Biro, and of course Bob Kane! Plus Amy Kiste Nyberg on the evolution of the Comics Code; FCA (Fawcett Collectors of America); Michael T. Gilbert in Mr. Monster's Comic Crypt; Bill Schelley on comics fandom history, and more! All behind a new cover featuring Dr. Wertham, Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Robin by Jason Paulos and Daniel James Cox! Edited by Roy Thomas.