Alter Ego #129
an issue of Alter Ego by Twomorrows Publishing
Issue description
This issue explores the great adventure heroes of Edgar Rice Burroughs - in comic strips and comic books! Featuring the art of Foster, Hogarth, Frazetta, Manning, Kane, Kubert, Morrow, Grell, Thorne, Weiss, Anderson, Kaluta, Amendola, Buscema, Marsh, Celardo, Lubbers, and Yeates - with analysis by some of the foremost ERB experts! Plus, the 1970s ERB comics company that nearly was - and today's online ERB strips by Grindberg, Thomas, Marcos, Marz, Dixon, Kwapisz, Powell, Floyd, Leto, Poliwko, et al.! Plus: FCA (Fawcett Collectors of America), Michael T. Gilbert in Mr. Monster's Comic Crypt, Bill Schelly on comics fandom history, and more! Cover by Tom Grindberg and the ERB all-stars! Edited by Roy Thomas.