Comics: Sunny Spring Spectaculars
by Joe. 4/29/2024
Sunny salutations comic supporters!Last month, we bid adieu to Dee as the sun set on her tenure here at Atomic. However, the sun never sets on the comic empire, and I, Joe, am going to carry the torch and shine a light on some standout issues.
It's a fifth week for DC as they celebrate a Spring break. Along side the 8 story anthology The Flash, Harley Quinn, & Nightwing all recieve annuals.
Meanwhile at Marvel, we were teased with a slew of vampire variants last month. The sun has now set, and the Blood Hunt begins. This 5 issue mini-series sees an all-star cast of heroes who are in dire straights as they seek answers to this latest threat to Earth. Will the Marvel universe see the sun again, or sucumb to the blood sucking hoard?
Last but not least, Vault Comics springboards off its 2023 "Year of the Axe" and delivers a new Barbaric #1 with Born in Blood. There's no shortage of fantasy comics these days, but Barbaric is the one that caught my attention. With a self-aware axe to join you on self-aware story telling, this series has no shortage of interesting characters remniscient of rolling dice playing your favorite table top role playing game. I'm also a sucker for a 'story-withing-a-story,' and that's exactly what we get as we continue Owen's jouney while he looks back on his past.
Well, the sun's getting real low for this not-so-big guy. I look forward to dishin' more issues, but until that time, happy reading.